Currently many industries are going through uncertainties and may be revisit their approach to distribution. In particular, we suggest that some manufacturers and fashion brands are unsure which fashion fair to go to or whether to attend at all. There is a lost of organization and cost involved and nobody knows for sure if customers will actually show up or rather go to local show rooms or their fashion agencies and local fashion distributor. We also have no clue if the move of the Berlins premium fashion fair from Berlin to Frankfurt will be received well. We suggest that manufacturers consider local fashion distributors through local show rooms and local fashion agencies to market their fashion brand. It is certainly the most cost effective approach. Talk to us if you wish to learn more about local distribution and marketing of your fashion label. Please call: +41 76 3809940 and ask for Mr. Mark Struck, Modeagentur-sue, Saatlenstrasse 265, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland.
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